Saturday, February 28, 2009

Residence of Evenwroat d'Sivis, Sharn.

Discovery: Evenwroat seems very upset. Apparently he and Jassen d'Cannith (the recently deceased) were “lovers.” Several companions, especially those that define themselves by religion seem to disapprove of this relationship. The word “Love” seems full of connotations that this one was not aware of. It is clearly a very complicated subject.

After further consideration, perhaps it is enough for a warforged to have a purpose, even one as simple as fighting. Vague ideals such as love seem better left to the organics.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Cogs, en route to the residence of Evenwroat d'Sivis.

Last night's enemy was extremely dangerous. It is good to be rid of it, and to know that party members can be trusted in combat.

Insight: Nothing seems to unite sentients as well as a common enemy. File for future use.

Question: What to do with all of this money? Perhaps there are more magical shield-rings available.

Am noticing faster, harder punches. Improvement follows from practice.

Question: Is this all there is to life?

Monday, February 9, 2009

Goblin excavation, the Cogs.

It is good to have a task once again.

Coincidence: Our gnomish benefactor has dealt with goblins who seem to have ties to House Cannith. Were we sent here merely to collect from goblins, or to hamper the machinations of this Merrick? Suspicion.

Morality: Do not understand other party members' aversion to the dwarf and myself retiring the broken goblins. Threats to the party are not to be tolerated, but surely granting a clean death is an act of mercy. Similar thoughts toward warforged in secret room. It was not functioning properly, and had to be deactivated. Any other conclusion is wrong, if well-meaning. Certainty.

Prediction: More goblins.

Party members seem capable enough. Dwarf is physically imposing; might be dangerous sober. Magic users have not had occasion to cast anything impressive, except growth spell. Enjoyment. Fellow warforged is odd- seems obsessed with material possessions. It has some sort of serial number instead of a name, but does not seem to be bothered by this. Surely a real name denotes a the nature and function of a warforged?

Badger: Confusion.

After some hours of practice, this one can toggle shield-ring between punches. Enjoyment.

Insight: Organics lose much productivity due to “sleeping.”