Sunday, March 29, 2009

Residence of Evenwroat d'Sivis, Sharn.

Enjoyment: So far the party has been educational, and not without entertainment value. However, the more this one sees of organics, the less sense they make. People are copulating everywhere, even here in the main hall! Organics must really love to procreate. Fortunately the other party members seem to be behaving themselves. Gimble, Kerowyn, Skeael, Urijah just seem to be conversing with the other partygoers. Of course, it goes without saying that 6709 is staying out of trouble. Dru is apparently taking a fencing lesson, and Ru has been wandering around with all manner of people. It is good to see that one staying away from all of the fornication, which can apparently lead to the spreading of several diseases.

There are several warforged in attendance, and they all seem to have interesting stories. The one named Tang is particularly talkative. It (although for some reason, it seems like a “she”) was explaining the process of warforged augmentation. It also went on at length about the dragonshard economy. Apparently, this one could finance some very impressive augmentation of its own if it ever came across a significant amount of Khyber dragonshards.

Coincidence: Apparently, the artificer who built this one's new eyes is in attendance tonight. Must make a note to thank it later.

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